Friday, February 7, 2014

Love Dare Day 28

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~Day 28~ Love makes sacrifices~
He laid down His life for us. We should also lay down our lives for our brothers. —1 John 3: 16 HCSB
Life can be hard, what that usually means is my life is hard! I'm the first to feel it when I'm being mistreated or inconvenienced! Being quick to sulk when we feel like we are being unappreciated!  But to often we don't notice life is hard for our mate unless they are complaining about it, but instead of  genuinely caring we just think they have a bad attitude!
Love makes sacrifices. It keeps you so tuned in to what your spouse needs that you often respond without being asked. And when you don’t notice ahead of time and must be told what’s happening, love responds to the heart of the problem. Quickly and directly. Even when your mate’s stress comes out in words of personal accusation, love shows compassion rather than becoming defensive.
Sometimes this means saying “no” to what we want and saying “yes” to what our spouse needs. Setting yourself aside and making him a priority. Turning your attention to his needs and giving him your focus and support.

When was the last time you asked “How can I help?”

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